Monday, December 31, 2012

Well, that sucked.

Originally posted on October 17, 2011

It makes me sad when an actor doesn’t feel like they’re giving a good audition and they just kind of give up somewhere in the middle of the scene. They let it show all over their face and sometimes they even tell us how bad they thought it was after they finish. Maybe we thought it was a great audition, but now you’ve told us it was bad and we believe you.

If you’re not connecting with the scene, I would MUCH rather you stop and let me know this, and then take a moment to collect yourself and go again. I won’t hold it against you (unless you stop and start forty times). You guys! We actually want you to do well! We are on your side! I promise!

If you just have to say that it sucked out loud, please wait until you get to your car. Besides, you aren’t always the best judge of yourself. How many times have you thought you sucked and then you got the part? Right?

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