Monday, December 31, 2012

Essence of casting. (surprisinly, not a perfume)

Originally posted on October 10, 2011

When I try to explain how my casting brain works to people, I might as well be trying to explain the intricacies of a nuclear reactor. It’s hard to put into words how I “feel” one particular actor in a role and not another. For me, (I don’t speak for other casting directors) it comes down to an actor’s essence. I shall now try to describe what I mean by citing last week’s episode of Glee. (the one where “Rachel” and “Mercedes” are both trying to get the role of “Maria” in West Side Story)

Now, this is my opinion and my opinion alone. My casting partner and I differ on this particular reference but that’s okay because she’s wrong. *grins at partner*

“Rachel Berry” and “Mercedes Jones” (NOT the actors that play the roles but the characters themselves) are forces to be reckoned with. Both of them are incredibly talented singers. Both of them are Divas. Both of them know how to act the crap out of a song.  However, both of them are not right for the role of “Maria”. And it has absolutely nothing to do with physical appearances. I repeat, NOTHING!!! They do not have the same essence. 

“Rachel” is a passive aggressive character and “Mercedes” is an assertive character. “Rachel” can tone down her chutzpah, where “Mercedes” cannot. Just picture "Maria" saying “hell to the no!” and you’ll understand what I mean.

I would cast “Rachel” as “Maria” and “Mercedes” would be my obvious choice for “Anita.” (which I think is actually the better role – she has the better songs!)

I get what the writers were doing with the drama of it all, but I just found it interesting that the very thing I’ve tried so many times to explain, was right there in front of me, frustrating the hell out of me as a casting director as I watched.

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