Monday, December 31, 2012

Pretty, my ass.

Originally posted on July 11, 2011

A colleague and I were working on a half-hour comedy and we had this little co-star role that called for a very pretty girl that would make our middle-aged male leads tongue-tied. We read many, many pretty girls for the role but one really stuck in my mind. And not in a good way. She finished her audition. We asked her to try it a different way. She did. Then she turned to leave and her shirt (dress?) did not cover her ass cheeks! All I remember was her ass. Not her name. Not her face. Certainly not her performance. I recall looking over at my colleague like “did I see what I think I saw?” as she walked out the door. We were completely and utterly speechless. Needless to say, she did not get the role.

LESSON: There is never, never, never any reason to show us your ass! I don’t care how nice it is, I don’t want to see it in an audition. Period.

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