Monday, December 31, 2012

This is new/scary/fun! (did I say scary?)

Originally posted on July 8, 2011

This little blog thing something I have been mulling around for a very long while. Today I got the push I needed to go ahead and give it a whirl.

I have been working in casting for film and television for a little over twelve years. I've had the privilege to work with some seriously amazing people along the way and some seriously not-so-amazing people (oh the stories I can tell). But the thing I love most about this job is that A) I get to meet lots of cool/fun/interesting/CRAZY/funny actors and help them realize their dreams. There's nothing better than seeing an actor on set after you've hired them and how excited and grateful they are. Especially when they're just starting out. I love that. And B) it allows me the free time between jobs to write and dance until my heart's content.

I will share anecdotes of my experiences and advice. Lots and lots of advice. Please ask questions! There are no stupid questions. The stupid thing is NOT to ask!

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