Monday, December 31, 2012

Verbal Diarrhea

Originally posted on July 20, 2011

You finally get that big audition on that huge movie with that amazing director and you get so nervous that you can’t stop talking or you think you’ll try making jokes but you’re not necessarily funny or you forget to breathe as you prattle on and on about the parking and the traffic and… 

Look, learn to do whatever you need to do to center yourself before an audition. Breathing exercises, splashing cold water on your face, meditation, listening to music, etc. I even know one actor that does yoga poses in the waiting room – one time I went to get him and he was in a headstand, but hey, if that works for him, great! Learn to find something that helps you control any possible nervous verbal diarrhea that might come pouring out of your mouth. I swear you’ll thank me for it when you finally audition for that amazing dream director and you don’t decide to tell him you, a beautiful woman, practically have a penis. (see previous post)

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