Monday, December 31, 2012

Unwelcome houseguests.

 Originally posted on August 24, 2011

It bugs me when actors bring friends along to auditions. This might just be a personal thing for me, but I pretty much always feel like the friend (9 times out of 10, also an actor) is tagging along in the hopes that we will have a role they’re perfect for and beg them to audition for us as well. I've even had an actor ask if their friend could audition for the same role. 
Perhaps you feel obligated to allow the friend to tag along because you don’t have a car or your car’s in the shop and they gave you a ride (mighty nice of them). But by all means, please tell that friend that you would like to be alone to prepare before you go in and put it all on the line. Auditioning is hard, guys! If they’re truly your friend, they will understand.
I also know an actor who brings his wife with him because she’s his good luck charm (I asked). She’s not in the business and she just sits in the waiting room and reads. She doesn't bother anyone, but I still think it’s a little unprofessional. Especially for a network test. Plus the waiting room is usually pretty full and it’s hard to concentrate when a friend/family member is there with you.

And then there's children. Look, sometimes babysitters fall through, and I totally get that, and if you don’t make a habit of it, I won’t even mind. But please, for the love of God, don’t bring the child into the audition room to breastfeed! You'd think this should go without saying but...

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